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  1、Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _____ a scientific theory.

  A. confirm  B. confine  C. conform  D. conceive

  2、Political parties often differ in their views on various _____ concerning their own countries.

  A. ways  B. measures  C. issues  D. patterns

  3、_____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.

  A. In spite of  B. On account of

  C. Regardless of  D. Instead of

  4、The lawyer was expected to _____ some proposals after reading all those documents.

  A. come up with  B. put up with

  C. look up to  D. keep up with

  5、While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _____ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.

  A. occasionally  B. simultaneously

  C. eventually  D. directly


  1、A. confirm.

  [注释] confirm(=support; make certain; give proof of)证实,确实:1)Please confirm your telephone message in writing.(请把你电话中所说的话再用文字复述一篇。) 2)The king confirmed that the election would be on June 20th.(国王确认,这次选择将于六月二十日举行。)

  confine...to把......限制于:Please confine your remarks to the subject we are talking about.(请把你的话限止于我们正在谈论的题目。)conform (to)使一致,符合,遵守。Conceive 1)想到,想出:He very quickly conceived a new plan.[注意]conceive of想象:They could not conceive of the possibility of failure.(他们不能想象失败的可能。)

  2、issue此处意为“重大问题”。measure措施,虽然填入本题也说得过去,但不够贴切。pattern模式,图案,图样。与题意不符,不能入选。way 方法,方式。

  3、B. On account of

  [注释]on account of(=because of)由于,因为。regardless of(=without worrying about)不顾;Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.

  4、A. come up with.

  [注释]come up with提出。注释。Put up with忍受;keep up with跟上,与......保持一致;look up to尊敬。

  5、A. occasionally.

  [注释]occasionally 偶尔。Simultaniously同时地; directly直接





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