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  1、None of us expected the chairman to________at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

  A.turn in  B.turn over  C.turn up  D.turn down

  2、The mother didn't know who________for the broken glass.

  A.blamed  B.be blamed  C.to blame  D.would blame


  1、C 由动词turn构成的短语的辨析。turn in归还;turn over打翻;turn up出现,到来;turn down拒绝。句意:没有人指望主席会来参加聚会,我们以为他仍然在住院。

  2、C “who+不定式”结构。这一结构相当于一个从句,所以who to blame=whom is to blame。句意:母亲不知道该责备谁把杯子弄破了。

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