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  1、_____ inviting guests and not treating them properly!

  A. Strangely  B. Fantastically

  C. Surprisingly  D. Fancy

  2、With sufficient scientific information a manned trip to Mars should be _____.

  A. obtainable  B. potential

  C. considerable  D. feasible

  3、The generation _____ makes it difficult for parents to understand their children's opinions.

  A. division  B. gap

  C. separation  D. interval

  4、If the boy had _____ the dog alone it wouldn't have bitten him.

  A. set  B. left  C. had  D. put

  5、They were so far away that I couldn't _____ their faces clearly.

  A. see through  B. make up

  C. see off  D. make out


  1、D. Fancy.

  [注释]fancy doing 没想到.......竟然:1)Fancy your him!(没想到你竟然认识他!) 2)Fancy spending the day in here!(没想到竟在这里过了一天!)


  2、D. feasible.

  [注释]feasible(=that can be done)可行的,可做到的:1)Your plan sounds quite feasible.(你的计划听起来很可行。) 2)It's not feasible to make the trip in one day.(一天内要进行这次旅行是做不到的。)

  obtainable 可得到的;considerable 相当的,可观的;potential 潜在的,可能的。

  3、B. gap.

  [注释]generation gap 代沟。

  division分,划分;separation分开;interval间隔,间隙;(幕间或工间)休息。at intervals 不时,时时

  4、B. left.

  [注释]leave sb./sth. alone不惹,不管,不碰:Leave the box alone.(别碰那个盒子。)

  5、D. make out.

  [注释]make out(=identify and see with effort or difficulty)辨认出。

  此处see through可表示“看穿......(=understand the real meaning of or reason for; realize the falseness of)”: 1)The teacher saw through the boy's story of having to help at home. (=The teacher knew his story was not true; it was just an excuse.) 2) He can't fool her. She sees him through every time.

  see off送行;make up构成,组成,拼凑;弥补,赔偿;化装,编造:1)编造:John made up the joke about the talking dog. 2)弥补:Bob must make up the work he missed. 3)凑足: We need one more to make up the dozen. 4)化装: The actors were making up when we arrived. 5)构成:Nine players make up a team.





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