当前新阳光教育 英语单科 学习资料 浏览文章 详情


  1、Nothing can _______ me to leave my own country.

  A.verse B.hay C.tempt D.attempt

  2、Nobody in the class can _______ him of his mistake.

  A.believe B.admit C.thirst D.convince

  3、This tree is _______ for its beautiful flowers.

  A.hooked B.stemmed C.cultivated D.parceled

  4、He _______ his success to the good education he has received.

  A.distributes B.contributes C.attributes D.owns

  5、Professor Smith seldom _______ the class on time.

  A.dismisses B.nervous C.misleads D.regrets

  6、Mr. Wang _______ his wife and children when he went to the United States.

  A.prescribed B.delayed C.decreased D.deserted

  7、We can’t _______ the fact that we are still a developing country.

  A. ignore B.neglect C.imagine D.impress

  8、Can you _______ the man who robbed you of your watch?

  A. illustrate B.exhibit C.damage D.identify

  9、Many children in developing countries can not go to school,because of _______

  A.property B.sword C.trace D.poverty

  10、What is your _______ to his coming?

  A.altitude B.attitude C.attribute D.aspect

  11、He _______ into the water and rescued the little girl.

  A. inserted B.sloped C.heaped D.dived

  12、You may _______ of the extra books in our department library.

  A.deposit B.enclose C.fade D.dispose


  1、C 2、D 3、C 4、C 5、A 6、D

  7、A 8、D 9、D 10、B 11、D 12、D





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