当前新阳光教育 英语单科 学习资料 浏览文章 详情


  1、When there's doubt the examiner's decision is _____.

  A. right  B. final  C. definite  D. fixed

  2、Busy and successful as he was, the novelist was willing to _____ any promising young man and give him all the help he could.

  A. take up  B. pick up  C. make up  D. look up

  3、He did not find a job yet because he had no _____ to men who could help him.

  A. approach  B. application  C. access  D. approval


  1、B. final. final最终的,不会改变的。definite明确的。fixed固定的,不变的;a fixed income(固定收入)。right正确的。

  2、A. take up. take up把......当作被保护人,关照,提携,例如:This athlete was taken up by several Boston universities.(这个运动员得到波士顿大学的关照。)


  3、C. access. have access to进入的路;能接近,进入,了解或使用(不可数名词)。列如:1)We had access to his private files.(我们能接触他的私人档案。)2)Only a few people have access to the full facts of the ase.(只有几人能了解案件的全部事实。)3)Only high officials had access to the emperor.(只有高级官员才能接近皇帝。)。approach接近,走近,快到;对待处理(事情的)方式;接近(到达)的路:1)He was warned of the enemy.(已警告他敌人已接近。)2)His book represents a new approach to the difficulty.(他的书代表了处理困难的一种新方法。)3)The approach to the house was a narrow path.(通到这幢房子的路是一条小径。)


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