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  Professors should be ____1____ from reading lecture notes. “It makes their ____2____ monotonous (单调的).”If they are going to read, why not ____3____ out copies of the lecture? Then we ____4____ need to go to class. Professors should ____5____ repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook. ____6____ we've read the material, we want to ____7____ it or hear it elaborated on, ____8____ repeated. “A lot of students hate to buy a ____9____ text that the professor has written ____10____ to have his lectures repeat it.”

  1、A.interfered  B. interrupted  C. discouraged  D. disturbed

  2、A.voices  B. sounds  C. pronunciation  D. gestures

  3、A.hold  B. leave  C. drop  D. give

  4、A.couldn't  B. wouldn't  C. mustn't  D. shouldn't

  5、A.refuse  B. prohibit  C. prevent  D. avoid

  6、A.Once  B. Until  C. However  D. Unless

  7、A.remember  B. argue  C. discuss  D. keep

  8、A.yet  B. not  C. and  D. or

  9、A.desired  B. revised  C. required  D. deserved

  10、A.about  B. how  C. but  D. only


  1、C 此处考查词汇。A、B、D意思都与“打扰”相关,只有C的意思是“不鼓励”。这里指不鼓励教师上课照念教参。

  2、A 此题考查相似词汇的细微区别。A.形容人说话的声音;B.声响,声音;C.发音;D.手势。故选A。

  3、D 此题考查固定搭配 give out,意思是“分发”。

  4、D 此处考查情态动词的用法。should可代表有强烈的个人感情色彩,且表将来发生的事情的可能性。而且,从后文中也用了should一词可以判断得出答案。

  5、D 此处考查动词的固定搭配。avoid doing sth. 意思是:“避免做某事”。

  6、A 此处意为“一旦我们读材料,我们希望讨论它或是听到详尽的说明,而不是简单的重复”。

  7、C 由于老师重复太多,同学们都很有意见,他们希望能对知识点进行讨论或者听老师的详细阐述。 四个选项的意思分别是:A.记住 ,B.争论,争吵,C.讨论, D.保存。由此可知,答案选C。


  9、C 此题考查词汇。选项的意思是 :A.理想的,B.修改的,C.要求的,D.值得的。同学们厌恶购买的课本当然是老师要求、规定让他们去买的课本了。

  10、D 此处意为“仅仅为了……”。

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